
Do You Know How to Prepare for Wildfires?

Will you be able to get ready if a wildfire threatens your area? This quiz will put your survival skills to the test.

How can you reduce the risk of a fire without removing the large trees next to your home?

Just leave them alone

Rake up the leaves and any fallen limbs and twigs, remove any dead branches and prune delicately.

Cover them with tarps.

Every 30 minutes, wet them down.

Rake up the leaves and any fallen limbs and twigs, remove any dead branches and prune delicately. *
Remove dead branches, trim cautiously, and rake up leaves, fallen limbs, twigs, and other hazards from trees near your home before a wildfire gets there.

What business information should you make sure is current before a wildfire threatens your home?

Make sure you have adequate time to take a leave of absence from work in case you need to leave.

Review and maybe renew your house insurance coverage. Additionally, keep a current inventory of your belongings, complete with pictures.

Purchase burial sites in the neighborhood cemetery.

The day you are instructed to leave, get a new fire insurance policy.

Review and maybe renew your house insurance coverage. Additionally, keep a current inventory of your belongings, complete with pictures.
You need to check and perhaps amend your home insurance coverage well before a wildfire poses a threat to your house. Keep pictures and an up-to-date inventory of your goods.

What further measures can you take to keep yourself and your loved ones safe while a wildfire is coming if you have to leave the building?

Set aside your plans. If danger is approaching, we may as well take advantage of the present.

Learn about the plans for several frequently visited destinations, such as work, school, places of worship, and grocery stores.

Create a bunker underground, then lock everyone inside.

Keep all automobile key sets hidden.

Learn about the plans for several frequently visited destinations, such as work, school, places of worship, and grocery stores.
While it’s a good idea to avoid needless trips if a wildfire is close by, you should also learn what preparations have been made for frequently visited destinations, including work, school, places of worship, and the grocery store, and then talk to your family about them.

You need to get an emergency supply kit ready before a wildfire breaks out. What should be included in the emergency supply pack you put together for your family, your loved ones, and your pets?

Beer, drink, ammo, and weapons

Like an overnight bag, include your routine for taking care of your face, a hairbrush, your favorite pajamas, and comfortable slippers.

Snacks, beverages, and an additional phone charger

The Basic needs for survival that you and your family, including any pets, need.

The Basic needs for survival that you and your family, including any pets, need.*
Each individual’s emergency supply pack should include enough food, water, and other essentials for 72 hours, as well as supplies for any animal friends. Electricity, gas, telephones, sewage treatment, and water are examples of basic utilities that might go without for up to a week.

What short preparations can help you survive if you are caught outside by a wildfire and have some extra time?

Get inside your sleeping bag, return to your tent, and zip up the flaps.

Cover yourself with a plastic tarp or raincoat and lay down on the ground.

Head straight towards your car.

Create a safe zone around you, clear an area 200 to 300 feet, or find a body of water to place between you and the flames.

Create a safe zone around you, clear an area 200 to 300 feet, or find a body of water to place between you and the flames.
If you still have time, find a body of water to put between you and the flames or clear space of 200 to 300 feet around you for a safe zone.

A wildfire survival pack should contain more than just food and water. What other essentials should it have?

A battery-operated radio, extra batteries, a first-aid kit, a leash, a torch, some paper, a pen, and some toiletries.

If you get the chance to go out, bring nice clothing, hair styling supplies, and a phone book in case the internet connection goes out.

To keep you and anyone with you entertained, bring along a portable television and a selection of DVDs, novels, and comics.

Mobile device with internet access, additional charger, spare tire for the car, firearms, and ammo

A battery-operated radio, extra batteries, a first-aid kit, a leash, a torch, some paper, a pen, and some toiletries.
A battery-operated radio, additional batteries, a first-aid kit, a leash, a flashlight, paper, a writing instrument, and personal hygiene items should all be included in an emergency supply box for you and anybody traveling with you, including any animal friends.

What simple preparations can you take to protect yourself if a wildfire suddenly threatens while you are out hiking or camping?

Keep calm and bend over

Call 9-1-1 right away.

Get away from the flames as quickly as you can.

Move as far away from flammable trees and bushes as you can and wet natural materials to cover yourself and breathe through.

Move as far away from flammable trees and bushes as you can and wet natural materials to cover yourself and breathe through.
Get as far away from flammable trees and bushes and damp natural fabrics as you can to use them to cover yourself and breathe through them if you find yourself outside when a sudden wildfire breaks out.

How can you make a perimeter around your home that is fire-safe?

All flammable substances, both natural and synthetic, should be removed and kept at least 30 feet away from your home.

Put wire mesh across the entire area.

Place fire extinguishers outside your home’s front and rear doors.

Wet everything completely every day.

All flammable substances, both natural and synthetic, should be removed and kept at least 30 feet away from your home.
Firefighting experts advise removing any flammable things from a 30-foot radius around your property.

Why are nearby trees and plants hazardous in a region where wildfires are common?

If the wildfire approaches, well-trimmed structures could be harmed.

If some of them burn in the flames and radiant heat, you’ll need to spend a lot of money buying replacements for each.

They might die in the blaze.

They help start wildfires.

They help start wildfires.
The flames of a wildfire are fueled by trees and tiny plants that can ignite huge trees.

How can you assist your animal pals in leaving the house safely if you and your family need to depart immediately?

Decide that leaving the house is too risky for everyone, therefore set aside a space in your house where all humans and animals may reside.

In the hopes that they will flee for their lives, open all the doors and windows.

In an emergency, everyone is out for himself.

Assign each family member the duty of bringing an animal to safety. Have carriers for all smaller animals as well as collars and leashes for larger animals.

Assign each family member the duty of bringing an animal to safety. Have carriers for all smaller animals as well as collars and leashes for larger animals.*
You should have a carrier for every smaller animal, as well as collars and leashes for bigger animals, and assign each family member the job of taking an animal to safety as part of an effective evacuation that helps everyone get out safely.

What does a house ignition zone mean?

Areas that are difficult to access with a hose or fire extinguisher

A 30- to 100-foot radius surrounding your home that, if flammable materials are present, might contribute to wildfires

The structure of your home, including any patios and porches.

 Anywhere outside your property line.

A 30- to 100-foot radius surrounding your home that, if flammable materials are present, might contribute to wildfires*
Firefighters refer to the area between 30 and 100 feet around your home that, if flammable materials are present, might contribute to the spread of wildfires as the “home ignition zone.”

Why is it important to use 1/8-inch mesh screens to seal up every entrance in your house, including vents and those under porches and floors, if you live in a wildfire-prone area?

Up to 1.5 kilometers can be covered by burning embers and debris from a wildfire.

Burglars are deterred by it.

Small animals are prevented from entering and maybe get trapped by them.

The screens enhance the appearance of your home.

Burglars are deterred by it.
Since embers and flaming debris from a wildfire can spread up to 1.5 miles, you should seal off all entrances to your property.

What should you do if a wildfire is approaching and you are unable to leave your house?

Wet down your home’s interior and everyone within.

 Leave a clear area in the center of the room for everyone to sleep by opening all windows and doors and relocating all furniture against the walls.

Get everyone into the garage so you can easily get to your car if you get nervous and decide to leave at the last minute.

Dial 9-1-1 and tell the authorities where you are, how many people and animals you have inside, and whether you want any particular help.

Dial 9-1-1 and tell the authorities where you are, how many people and animals you have inside, and whether you want any particular help.
Call 9-1-1 and inform authorities of your location, the number of persons and animals living in your house, and any special help required if you are unable to leave a wildfire danger zone, particularly for medical reasons.

What kind of weather makes it more possible for wildfires to start and endanger houses, animals, trees, and vegetation?

Blustery and windy


Hot and Dry

Rainy and wet

Hot and Dry
In hot, dry weather, wildfires are most likely to start.

What safety measures should you take to protect yourself, your family, and your pets if you are not instructed to leave as a wildfire approaches?

Tarpaulins for everyone, and instruct them to lie down and cover themselves and any animals with the tarps if the fire is getting close.

Make arrangements for short-term housing at the house of a family or friend in case you wind up receiving an eviction notice.

Let fresh air come in as much as possible by opening all doors and windows.

Make sure you have a lot of alcohol on hand, along with food for both people and animals.

Make arrangements for short-term housing at the house of a family or friend in case you wind up receiving an eviction notice.*
Just in case you are suddenly asked to leave, you should make arrangements for short-term housing at the house of a cousin or friend.

Even if you leave your region before a wildfire threatens it because of its unpredictable nature, you could still be trapped in the approaching flames while driving. What actions can you do right away to get ready for the coming firestorm if this happens?

If at all possible, park beneath an overpass, cover yourself with natural fabrics, block all outside vents, and raise all windows.

To remain as cool as possible, get out of the automobile and lay down on the ground.

Lower all windows and open all vents to let in as much fresh air as you can.

Park the car under a tree and crawl underneath it.

If at all possible, park beneath an overpass, cover yourself with natural fabrics, block all outside vents, and raise all windows.
If a wildfire engulfs your car and you are trapped inside, if at all possible stop beneath an overpass, seal all the windows and vents, and then wrap up in natural materials.

What specific actions should you take to ensure everyone, including your pets, is safe if a wildfire is heading straight for your home?

A fire extinguisher should be present in every area, including the restroom.

Purchase enough face masks at the drugstore for everyone, including pets

 Assign specific items that each person must carry, such as a cell phone, a torch, and a battery-operated radio.

Make sure everyone, especially youngsters, is familiar with two escape routes from the house and each room. 

Make sure everyone, especially youngsters, is familiar with two escape routes from the house and each room.
Before a wildfire threatens your neighborhood, make sure everyone, including youngsters, is familiar with an escape route (two is best) from each room and the home.

You need to stay calm and set priorities to prepare yourself psychologically before any calamity strikes and before making any physical preparations. “The Rule of Three” for Survival is what?

You cannot live without the internet, music, or power.

You need weapons, water, and fresh veggies to live.

You can live without food for three weeks, water for three days, shelter for three hours, and air for three minutes, but you can only live without hope for three seconds.

Protein bars, water, and beer are sufficient for one month of survival.

You can live without food for three weeks, water for three days, shelter for three hours, and air for three minutes, but you can only live without hope for three seconds.
The Rule of Three encourages you to first remember that you must have hope and a determination to endure. This helps you survive. Your fundamental demands for maintaining your life are then become more important to you.

How can you further defend yourself and stay alive if you are stuck outside while a wildfire roars toward you?

Breathe into a paper bag you have in your hand and run away from the flames.

Find cover in a low ditch or rocky region since there is less clean air around a fire there.

Spread your limbs out to keep as cool as possible while lying face down in a grassy location.

Climb a tree.

Find cover in a low ditch or rocky region since there is less clean air around a fire there.*
In a fire, the clearer air is closer to the ground, so for a little bit extra protection, attempt to take cover in a low ditch or a rocky place.

What kind of fence works best to avoid spreading flames in a wildfire-prone area?


Hurricane-proof metal fence

Stone or rock


Stone or rock
An approaching wildfire can be slowed and repelled with the use of a stone or rock fence.

Failed. You Are Not Knowledgeable Enough.

Well Done. You Know About Wildfire.

Awesome. You Can Survive the Wildfire.

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