
Do You Think You Know European History? Prove it By Getting 100% On This Quiz

Our fun quiz will introduce you to the wonders of European history. How well do you know about the history of European countries? Are you confident enough to pass our quiz?

This flag belongs to which independent republic at the crossroads of Eastern, Southeastern, and Central Europe?





The tricolor flag of Romania bears a strong resemblance to the flags of Chad and Andorra.

This small country, located between Spain and the Atlantic Ocean on the western tip of Europe, is famed for its gorgeous beaches and a fortified wine known as Port. Which country is it?





In 1911, the Portuguese flag was created, with the green signifying the nation’s hope and the red representing the blood of those who died protecting it. The smaller coat of arms of Portugal, commonly referred to as the Quinas, connects those colors.

This European capital is accessible from all directions. What is this “eternal city”?





“All roads lead to Rome,” as the old adage goes, and the Roman Empire made sure of it. The “eternal city” is home to the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, the Trevi Fountain, Vatican City, the Spanish Steps, and many other attractions.

The empire’s western half had been losing territory to Germanic forces for some time, but it finally succumbed in 476 AD when it could no longer defend itself. What is the name of the historical period following the fall of the Roman empire?


Middle Ages

Age of Revolutions

Modern Era

Middle Ages
The Middle Ages, a period when many different empires and kings ruled Europe, are frequently referred to as the “dark ages,” because no single power ruled Europe and the Mediterranean as previous empires had, yet it was a period of learning and cultural exchange.

Which King’s battle was documented with a speech impediment in the Oscar-winning film The King’s Speech (in which Colin Firth portrayed the title role)?

King George VI

King Richard III

King Henry VI

King William II

King George VI
To overcome a severe stutter, King George VI sought the expertise of Australian speech therapist Lionel Logue.

For three World Cups in a row, this European squad was the leading scorer.





Germany was the highest-scoring team in the World Cup editions of 2006, 2010, and 2014, however, they only won the tournament in 2014. Only nine times in the 21 tournaments held so far has the highest-scoring team won the championship.

Which country is depicted in this image?



Costa Rica


Spain is depicted, with Portugal to the west and France to the northeast. Andorra borders it on the northeast, although it is so little that it is probably invisible on this map.

In 2005, who became Germany’s first female chancellor?

Angela Merkel

Margaret Thatcher

Rosa Luxemburg

Heidi Klum

Angela Merkel
After a deadlock election in 2005, the conservative leader of the center-left Social Democrats (SPD) was elected chancellor. In 2007, she was elected President of the European Council and chaired the G8, making her only the second female leader to do so (after Margaret Thatcher).

Philippe is Belgium’s sixth king. In which decade of the 2010s did he become King?





Following King Albert II’s abdication due to illness, Philippe succeeded the Belgian throne on July 21, 2013.

Who was the Soviet leader whose glasnost and perestroika policies contributed to the Soviet Union’s demise and the end of the Cold War?





Mikhail Gorbachev was the Soviet Union’s president. He decentralized the economy and liberalized society, allowing the Soviet Union to disintegrate and communism to fall.

Nadia Comăneci was the first woman to get a perfect ten in gymnastics during the 1976 Olympics, making her one of the country’s most well-known people. Which one of these countries is it?


Saudi Arabia



Romania’s flag is quite similar to Chad’s flag, with just minor differences in blue tints. Chad requested that the UN investigate the matter in 2004, but Romania’s president at the time stated that the country’s flag would not be changed.

A bridge-tunnel through the Øresund connects this country, the third largest in Europe by area, to Denmark’s southern metropolis of Malmö.





Stockholm is the capital of Sweden, which is the largest country in Northern Europe. In the year 2000, the bridge-tunnel between Denmark and Sweden opened to traffic.





Britain colonized Egyptian territory in 1914 and remained there until 1952, although archaeologists had been working there for decades.

Which leader entered into a non-aggression deal with Hitler that was later broken?

Charles de Gaulle

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Joseph Stalin

Winston Churchill

Joseph Stalin
Stalin was in contact with Nazi Germany before joining the “Big Three.” He formed a non-aggression deal with Hitler on August 23, 1939, just before the European war broke out, with a secret plan for splitting Eastern Europe between the two would-be conquerors. The two promised that neither would take military action against the other for the next decade, but Hitler broke his pinky promise by invading the Soviet Union in June 1941, only two years later.

What country was Sarajevo a part of when it hosted the 1984 Winter Olympics?





From 1918 to 1992, Yugoslavia was a European country.

Who was the Soviet Union’s leader during the start of the Cold War?





At the start of the Cold War, Josef Stalin was the Soviet dictator. As a tyrant, he created a cult of personality around himself, and cities were renamed after him.

Much of Western Europe was taken by the Axis powers, but Britain had the benefit of being an island with a formidable air force. What is the name of the air force of the United Kingdom?

Her Majesty’s Top Gun

Royal Air Force

Regal Air Fighters

MI-6 Air Force Unit

Royal Air Force
Throughout World War II, the Royal Air Force carried out bombing campaigns.

This island nation, home to Guinness, Shamrocks, and the Celtic cross, attracts millions of visitors each year who come to kiss the Blarney Stone. Which one of these countries is it?





In 1848, a group of French women brought this flag to Thomas Francis Meagher as a gift. The flag was later flown over Dublin’s General Post Office during the Easter Rising of 1916, and it became known as the country’s national flag.

What is the largest of the three Baltic states, rubbing shoulders with Belarus, Russia, and Poland?





This 65,300 square kilometer nation is 151 times smaller than the US, but it’s the largest of the three Baltic states. The country wasn’t always small though; in fact, by the end of the fourteenth century, it was the largest country in Europe. The other Baltics are Estonia and Latvia, all three of which border the Baltic Sea.

“We shall fight on the beaches, we shall battle on the landing sites, we shall fight in the fields…”. Who spoke these famous words?

Donald Trump

Vladimir Putin

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill
On June 4, 1940, Winston Churchill delivered his famous speech, “We shall battle on the beaches,” to the House of Commons of the Parliament. On May 10, shortly after WWII broke out in Europe, Churchill took over as Prime Minister.

Amsterdam, the country’s most visited city, is known for windmills, coffee shops, and canals. The royal family’s coat of arms is the inspiration for this European country’s flag. Despite its name, the House of Orange lacks the color orange in its design. Which country is it?

Papua New Guinea




The Netherlands flag, in its current shape, was approved in 1575, making it the oldest multicolored flag in continuous use. The flags of Russia and France were also influenced by its style and colors. The red stripe used to be orange, but it is no more.

Ferdinand II of Aragon married Queen Isabella of Castile. Which European country was brought together by their union?





With Isabella and Ferdinand’s marriage, the mighty kingdoms of Castile and Aragon were united to form Imperial Spain.

As King Henry VIII’s fourth wife, Anne of Cleves became Queen of England. Which unofficial title was bestowed on her after their marriage was annulled?

The King’s Revered Mother

The King’s Beloved Niece

The King’s Beloved Sister.

The King’s Adored Aunt

The King’s Beloved Sister.
Because she had a strong and friendly, though unconsummated, bond with the king before and after their marriage, Anne of Cleves became known as The King’s Beloved Sister.

This country, located in the heart of Central Europe, was originally home to Bohemia. What is the name of this hipster haven?




Czech Republic

Czech Republic
Portland was not the birthplace of the bohemians. Bohemia, a historical territory previously owned and operated by Bohemian rulers, is located in the Czech Republic. The Carpathians and other mountain ranges surround the region, which is made up of rolling hills.

During WWII, which of these European countries was not neutral?





Austria was annexed on March 12, 1938, therefore it wasn’t so much neutral as it was caught in the midst. Switzerland, Sweden, and Ireland (together with Turkey, Portugal, and Spain) were not interested in participating.

What major event occurred in Europe between 1400 and 1650?

The Great Depression

The Renaissance

The Middle Ages

The Dark Ages

The Renaissance
The Renaissance was a cultural “rebirth” that began in Italy and expanded across Eurasia. It revived old Greek and Roman art, philosophy, literature, and architecture during a time when Europe was experiencing greater affluence.

When he came to power following the French Revolution, what French Emperor was known for both his height and his temper?

Philip II

Napoleon Bonaparte

Hugh Capet

Louis XIV

Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon was the Emperor of France from 1804 until his fall at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. Napoleon’s empire reached as far as Italy and Central Europe at its peak. Napoleon, contrary to mythology, was 5’7″ tall, which was above normal for men of his period.

In 58-50 BC, with the Roman republic securely in control of the Mediterranean, this commander led a war to conquer most of continental Europe for the Roman empire before returning to Rome and proclaiming himself emperor.

Jesus Christ

Julius Caesar



Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar led the mighty Roman army to conquer much of Gaul, which is now western Europe, during the Gallic Wars.

Despite not being born in England, William the Conqueror ruled England for 21 years. What was his nationality?





In the year 1028, William the Conqueror was born in Falaise, Normandy. He was the son of Duke Robert I of Normandy and Herleve (also known as Arlette), the daughter of a Falaise tanner.





The Saltire or St. Andrew’s Cross is another name for Scotland’s flag. It is one of the oldest flags still in use today, having been originally reported in 1542.

The ‘Virgin Queen’ was Henry VIII’s daughter with Anne Boleyn. What is the name of England’s formidable Queen?

Queen Elizabeth I

Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth III

Queen Elizabeth IV

Queen Elizabeth I
Queen Elizabeth, I was a successful leader, despite the fact that her claim to the throne was constantly challenged. During her reign, Mary restored Protestantism in England and successfully fought the Spanish Armada. – and, while wearing this outfit, put England on the map as a significant European power.

From 1558 until her death, Elizabeth I ruled England and Ireland. What nickname was she given since she was childless?

The Barren Queen

The Virgin Queen

The Cougar Queen

The Single Queen

The Virgin Queen
Because of her seeming aversion to marriage and motherhood, Elizabeth I was dubbed “The Virgin Queen.”

In May 1945, the European war came to a conclusion with the encirclement of Hitler’s bunker in Berlin. What military was responsible for this?



Soviet Union


Soviet Union
In spring 1945, the Soviet army entered Berlin and besieged German soldiers, forcing the Nazis to capitulate. The other Allied forces did not intervene in the seizure, leaving the struggle to the Soviet Union.

This Austrian traditional figure punishes 57 Children who misbehave over the Christmas season. What is the name of this Central European Legend?

The Grinch


The Evil Santa

Saint Nicholas

In Central European legend, Krampus is the demonic counterpart to Saint Nicholas. Krampus is a “half-goat, half-demon” who visits youngsters who have misbehaved throughout the year and punishes them.

From 1975 through 2014, King Juan Carlos reigned. He presided over which kingdom in which country?





Following Francisco Franco’s dictatorship, Juan Carlos became King of Spain.

Which European traveler brought back tales of the Chinese empire’s beauty during this time?

Francisco Pizarro

Marco Polo

Ferdinand Magellan

Mario Puzo

Marco Polo
Marco Polo famously encountered the Chinese on his trade travels. He left detailed records of his encounters.

This northern European country is famed for its neutrality, fine watches, and useful pocket knives that can handle a variety of tools. Which one of these nations is it?





Since its establishment in the early 14th century, the Old Swiss Confederacy has employed a white cross as a field sign. It is one of only two square national flags, the other being the flag of Vatican City.

What French King was known as ‘the Beloved’ and ‘the Mad’ at the same time?

King Richard II

King Charles VI

King Richard III

King Vincent I

King Charles VI
King Charles VI, who was known for his occasional “fits of madness,” was only eleven years old when he ascended to the throne. After years of being governed by his relatives, Charles resolved to rule on his own. Which was a foolish idea, because the English invaded and conquered northern France.

Which nation is pictured here?


South Korea



Finland is a country located in northern Europe, bordering Sweden, Russia, and Norway. Despite living under darkness for much of the year, it was crowned the happiest country in the world in 2018.

What country did Germany invade to start WWII in Europe, introducing the world to Nazi Germany’s “blitzkrieg” strategy?



Great Britain


Germany invaded Poland by land and air on September 1, 1939. Adolf wanted to reclaim lost territories, which he did by starting WWII. This was the first time Hitler used his “blitzkrieg” plan, which involves bombing the life out of a country to destroy all communication, transportation, and munition before sending in a large number of troops to pick up the pieces.

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