
Get All The Answers On This Vintage Trivia Quiz By Traveling Through Time!

Things used to be very different than they are now in the "good old days." Things that we now take for granted did not exist, and some individuals performed tasks that you may not be familiar with. Test your knowledge of how things used to be by taking this quiz!

What year did the Fair Labor Standards Act, a component of FDR’s New Deal, make the 40-hour work week the norm?





Following the Great Crash in 1929, FDR’s New Deal included the Fair Labor Regulations Act, which mandated a 44-hour workweek, overtime compensation, and defined child labor standards. Congress revised the FLSA on June 26, 1940, reducing the workweek to 40 hours.

What Eastern American city still goes by the moniker “The Electric City” because it was the first in the country to run streetcars solely on electricity in 1886?

Richmond, VA

Buffalo, NY

Scranton, PA

Providence, RI

Scranton, PA
After the introduction of the city’s electric trolley system in 1886, Scranton earned the moniker “The Electric City.” The Scranton Railway Company was formed by the merger of all the trolley companies a decade later. Until 1954, it had trolley service.

Everybody has heard of blimps and dirigibles, but what distinguishes these two categories of airships?

Blimps are always smaller

The dirigible is more rigid

They use a different gas to stay airborne

There’s no difference

The dirigible is more rigid
A dirigible has a hard interior structure, but a blimp does not. This is the major distinction between the two. A dirigible constantly maintains the same shape, but a blimp loses its shape when it deflates. Both the Hindenburg and the Goodyear Blimp are dirigibles.

During Henry VIII’s reign, this awful position was established to help with the King’s most private concerns.

Master of the chamber

Poo pal

Groom of the stool

Man of the closet

Groom of the stool
A lucky man had the responsibility of accompanying the King about with a portable toilet (stool) and related accoutrements and providing assistance as needed during the day. He was known as the “groom of the King’s close stool.” stutter work? Perhaps, but the benefit of having direct access to the King made it a most sought-after job, usually held by aristocracy. This image depicts American Revolutionary War hero King George III, who used no fewer than nine different grooms of the stool during his reign. Up to the start of the 20th century, the practice persisted.

Charles Metz created the Waltham Manufacturing Company in 1893, which is credited with producing the “first motorbike produced in the United States.” The first ride Metz took had a name.

The Statesman-Bob

The Flywheel-Hawk

The Orient-Aster

The Western-Waldorf

The Orient-Aster
The Orient-Aster, or just the Orient, had a copper-finned one-cylinder engine with 2.5 horsepower that was designed to aid in engine cooling. It made its debut four years before the Harley, in 1899.

What well-known Sports Utility Vehicle was created by the United States as an all-purpose military vehicle that is now utilized for both highway travel and off-roading?




Ford Truck

During the conflict, Allied forces drove Jeeps. Volkswagens and BMWs were used by Nazi Germany. Originally, the term “jeep” was used to refer to brand-new army recruits or experimental machinery like cars.

In the 1950s, this sitcom was a well-liked television comedy. The main character was a physically funny lady who went on to become the first female head of a major television studio.

Amos ‘n’ Andy

I Love Lucy

Dennis the Menace

The Twilight Zone

I Love Lucy
From 1951 until 1957, “I Love Lucy” was shown. It was the first scripted TV show to have live studio audiences throughout production. In a poll conducted by ABC News, viewers chose it as the best TV program of all time.

What well-known television program, which provided an idealized portrayal of American life in the 1950s, helped the Cleaver family become well-known in the late 1950s?


Leave it to Beaver

The Honeymooners


Leave it to Beaver
A very tame version of suburban life (the idealized American, middle-class lifestyle), is what’s portrayed in ‘Leave it to Beaver’. It’s important to remember that this particular television show showcases a quixotic version of American life. It also does not include those living in destitution, or the lives of people of color at that particular time.

What well-known fashion doll was produced by Mattel, Inc. in 1959?

Polly Pocket

Cabbage Patch


American Girl

Barbie is the most successful toy brand ever. More than 1 billion Barbie dolls have been sold by Mattel to date.

A deal that guaranteed neither nation would attack the other was signed by the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. Despite the fact that the pact was signed in 1939, the Soviet Union’s invasion by Nazi Germany during Operation Barbarossa caused it to expire in 1941. What is the treaty’s name?

Nonalignment Movement

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

Treaty of Ghent

Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
Operation Barbarossa’s objectives included invading and seizing control of the western section of the Soviet Union, populating it with Nazis, and using the local Slavic populace as slave labor. Even though the Russians were attacked, Operation Barbarossa was a failure. The Red Army suffered significant losses at the hands of the Germans, although neither they nor the length of the conflict were anticipated.

Where did workers for bone molds work?

Veterinary hospital


Button factory

Ballet studio

Button factory
Wow, how boring. The leftover pieces from the original bone buttons were utilized as the foundation (mold) for silk-covered buttons. As implied, the primary responsibility of the bone mold turner was to rotate the bone mold while it was covered with silk thread.

During the war, lucky boys like this young sailor handled explosives on board navy ships. What name did they go by?

Gun guy

Cannon carrier

Mini merchant

Powder monkey

Powder monkey
Boys as young as 11 years old were used by the Navy for many years to carry gunpowder from a ship’s hold to its guns during combat. The world eventually realized that employing youngsters in a conflict area was not a wise move.

Great Balls of Fire

Johnny B. Goode

Peggy Sue

Hound Dog

Hound Dog
When Elvis sang “Hound Dog” live in 1956, most Americans did not cheer. Many people claimed that Elvis was an untalented, overly sexy musician. This performance was included in the Forrest Gump movie from 1994.

A movie about safety measures during a nuclear attack was produced by the US Civil Defense Administration and screened in schools as part of a public awareness program. The movie has a memorable jingle as well as a cartoon turtle. What’s the title of that movie?

One Week in October

The Waking Point

Duck and Cover

Town of the Times

Duck and Cover
In 1949, the Soviet Union successfully exploded an atomic weapon. The possibility of a nuclear assault worried the US. The Federal Civil Defense Administration was subsequently established by the government in 1951 to assist in educating the populace on what to do in the event of a strike.

Early trains ranged from workhorses used to move commodities and coal to more upmarket means of transportation for the wealthy. What was a “Pullman” in the early railroad lingo?

Type of track that was easy to lay down

The engine’s chimney

The cowcatcher

Sleeper car

Sleeper car
On lengthy train trips, travelers spent the night in the Pullman carriages. In Europe, the dining or lounge cars, notably those provided by the Pullman Company, were also referred to by the moniker “Pullman.” They bear the name George Pullman after the American manufacturer and engineer.

Which of the following was the slang phrase for individuals who built railroad rails by hand?

Gong scourer

Gatherer’s boy

Gandy dancer


Gandy dancer
In the end, robots took the place of these crucial employees from the early days of railroads.

President Lincoln relied on Professor Thaddeus Lowe to develop a method to conduct reconnaissance on Confederate soldiers during the American Civil War. What sort of vehicle was “The Enterprise,” which Lowe created?

Hot air balloon

Rudimentary helicopter

Submersible boat

Bird-drawn kite

Hot air balloon
The Enterprise, made of Indian silk, was Lowe’s second balloon constructed in his factory in Hoboken, New Jersey. Using a proprietary procedure, Lowe was able to keep the balloon gassed for up to 14 days.

What well-known board game was initially produced in 1948 under the name “Criss-Crosswords”?


Connect Four



There are now 29 languages that Scrabble is available in, and 150 million sets have been sold worldwide. A Scrabble set is present in around one-third of American homes.

Where did a knight in the Middle Ages go to get his protective clothing?

A shieldsmith

An armourer

A haberdasher

A metallicist

An armourer
Weapons and armor were both created by armorers, sometimes known as armorers.

What sector of the economy used river pigs?





Logs weigh a lot. . . nonetheless, they float. River pigs were used in the logging industry’s peak in the early 20th century to move logs from camp to mill, which was a physically demanding and very dangerous task. To cross the bobbing, whirling timber, pigs needed raw strength in addition to stability and balance; those who slid were crushed on their way down to an ice death.

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