Who vanished while crossing the Pacific in a balloon in 1978?

Steve Fossett
Amelia Earhart
Double Eagle V
Larry Newman
What lighthouse crew disappeared in 1900, baffling investigators?

Eddystone Lighthouse
Flannan Isles Lighthouse
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse
Boston Light
What explorer vanished while searching for the Northwest Passage?

John Cabot
Sir John Franklin
Henry Hudson
Roald Amundsen
Which aircraft was lost in 1951 near Alaska?

Flight 19
Star Dust
Korean Air Lines Flight 007
C-124 Globemaster II
What happened to the crew of the Mary Celeste found in 1872?

Rescued at sea
All found alive on board
Vessel found, but crew missing
Ship struck by lightning
Who disappeared while investigating corruption in Mexico in 2005?

Enrique Camarena
Alfredo Jimenez
Philip True
Mario Menendez
What freighter vanished in the Great Lakes in 1965?

Edmund Fitzgerald
SS Cedarville
SS Daniel J. Morrell
SS Carl D. Bradley
Which revolutionary artist went missing in 1937 during the Spanish Civil War?

Pablo Picasso
Federico GarcÃa Lorca
Diego Rivera
Joan Miró
What is the name of the ship that vanished in the Bermuda Triangle in 1918?

USS Cyclops
HMS Bounty
SS Edmund Fitzgerald
USS Constitution
What was the fate of the MV Joyita, lost in 1955?

Sank in the Atlantic
Found adrift, no crew
Captured by pirates
Destroyed by a storm
Which famous writer vanished in 1926 and was found 11 days later?

Virginia Woolf
Agatha Christie
Ernest Hemingway
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Where was the last known location of the airplane carrying Glenn Miller in 1944?

Over the English Channel
Over the Pacific Ocean
Near Bermuda
Over the Alps
What year did Amelia Earhart disappear?

What colony disappeared in the 16th century, leaving behind the word “Croatoan”?

New Amsterdam
Which famous band leader vanished during a World War II tour in 1944?

Benny Goodman
Glenn Miller
Tommy Dorsey
Duke Ellington
Who was the union leader that vanished in 1975?

John L. Lewis
Jimmy Hoffa
George Meany
Cesar Chavez
What investigative journalist was abducted in 2007 and never found?

Anna Politkovskaya
Daniel Pearl
Jamal Khashoggi
Brad Will
Which heiress was kidnapped in 1974 and later joined her captors?

Patty Hearst
Anne Cox Chambers
Abigail Folger
Doris Duke
Who was the Australian Prime Minister that disappeared while swimming in 1967?

Robert Menzies
Harold Holt
John Gorton
William McMahon
What ancient army was lost in the sands in 525 BC?

Roman Legion
Persian Immortals
Spartan Brigade
Cambyses’ Army

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