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What term did Skinner use to describe accidental reinforcement?

Negative reinforcement

Positive reinforcement

Intermittent reinforcement


Skinner described intermittent reinforcement as a schedule where behaviors are reinforced only some of the time, which can create a strong and persistent response.

What concept did Elizabeth Loftus research extensively?

Memory recall

Dream analysis

Behavioral addiction

Operant conditioning

Elizabeth Loftus is renowned for her groundbreaking work on the malleability of human memory and how information presented post-event can affect witnesses’ recollections.

What kind of therapy is derived from Rogers’ theory?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Psychodynamic Therapy

Client-centered Therapy

Behavioral Therapy

Client-centered therapy, developed by Carl Rogers, is a non-directive form of talk therapy emphasizing the client’s capacity for self-guided growth and change, based on the principles of humanistic psychology.

What is the primary focus of existential therapy?

Meaning of life

Emotional regulation

Behavioral patterns

Stress management

Existential therapy centers on issues like the meaning of life and the human condition, emphasizing individual freedom and responsibility.

Which theory involves the “inferiority complex”?

Transactional Analysis

Cognitive Theory

Psychosocial Theory

Adlerian Psychology

Adlerian psychology, developed by Alfred Adler, introduces the concept of the “inferiority complex” where feelings of inferiority can lead to psychological development and personal growth.

Which psychologist is associated with the term “flow”?

Carl Jung

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Karen Horney

John B. Watson

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi coined the term “flow” to describe a state of deep absorption and enjoyment found during certain activities.

What does the “Big Five” personality theory measure?

Cognitive abilities

Social tendencies

Personality traits

Emotional reactions

The “Big Five” personality theory categorizes human personality into five broad traits: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.

What concept is central to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory?

Observational learning

Unconscious mind

Cognitive dissonance

Operant conditioning

Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory emphasizes the unconscious mind as a key influence on behavior, shaping our thoughts and emotions through repressed feelings and thoughts.

What does Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs start with?

Safety needs

Physiological needs

Esteem needs


Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy begins with physiological needs, which are the most basic human requirements, such as food, water, and shelter, necessary for survival.

Who developed the theory of operant conditioning?

Jean Piaget

Albert Bandura

B.F. Skinner

Erik Erikson

B.F. Skinner furthered the study of behaviorism by introducing operant conditioning, focusing on the reinforcement or punishment of behavior to increase or decrease its occurrence.

Which stage is the first in Piaget’s stages of cognitive development?

Concrete operational



Formal operational

Jean Piaget’s first stage of cognitive development is the sensorimotor stage, spanning from birth to about 2 years old, where infants learn about the world through their senses and actions.

What does Erik Erikson’s theory primarily focus on?

Cognitive abilities

Moral values

Personality traits

Psychosocial development

Erik Erikson’s theory outlines stages of psychosocial development, where each stage involves specific conflicts that contribute to a person’s social and emotional development throughout their life.

Who proposed the theory of classical conditioning?

Sigmund Freud

Ivan Pavlov

Carl Rogers

Abraham Maslow

Ivan Pavlov is renowned for his work in classical conditioning, which he discovered serendipitously through his experiments with dogs, leading to the foundational concept of learning through association.

What is the focus of Carl Rogers’ humanistic theory?

Personal growth

Moral development

Cognitive restructuring

Behavioral modification

Carl Rogers’ humanistic psychology theory emphasizes personal growth and self-actualization, advocating for an individual’s potential and stressing the importance of free will and personal awareness.

Who developed the concept of attachment theory?

John Bowlby

Ivan Pavlov

Jean Piaget

Erik Erikson

John Bowlby developed attachment theory, which describes the importance of a secure bond between infants and their caregivers.

What is the main focus of Gestalt therapy?

Past experiences

Perception completion

Future aspirations

Social behavior

Gestalt therapy focuses on the present moment and promotes personal awareness by emphasizing how people perceive and complete incomplete figures and events in their environment.

What is the premise of Albert Bandura’s social learning theory?

Learning through punishment

Learning through reinforcement

Learning through observation

Learning through trial and error

Albert Bandura’s social learning theory posits that people can learn through observing others, suggesting that imitation plays a significant role in learning new behaviors and skills.

Who is known for developing Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy?

Albert Ellis

Aaron Beck

Sigmund Freud

B.F. Skinner

Albert Ellis is the founder of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), which focuses on resolving emotional and behavioral problems by challenging irrational beliefs.

What does “cognitive dissonance” refer to?


Conflict between beliefs and actions

Dream interpretation

Behavioral conditioning

Cognitive dissonance theory, proposed by Leon Festinger, deals with the discomfort one experiences from holding conflicting beliefs or between beliefs and actions.

Which psychologist proposed the triarchic theory of intelligence?

Howard Gardner

Robert Sternberg

Philip Zimbardo

Daniel Kahneman

Robert Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence describes three distinct types of intelligence: analytical, creative, and practical, emphasizing the variety of skills people use to navigate their environment.

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