
Push Your Limits: How Many of These Extreme Sports Records Can You Identify Correctly?

What is the record for the longest marathon playing badminton, singles?

25 hours

30 hours

36 hours

40 hours

The longest marathon playing badminton singles was set at 25 hours by Camille Guénot and Marcel Weichert in France, in 2012.

Who holds the record for the highest altitude golf shot ever played?

Alan Shepard

Andrew Johnston

Tiger Woods

Andre Tolme

Alan Shepard holds this unique record, having hit a golf ball on the moon during the Apollo 14 mission in 1971, which technically counts as the highest altitude golf shot.

How far was the longest “usable” pogo stick jump?

23.22 meters

20.12 meters

18.73 meters

22.34 meters

The longest jump on a “usable” pogo stick was 18.73 meters by Dmitry Arsenyev in Russia, 2014.

What is the record for most skips by a dog on the same rope?

58 skips

64 skips

70 skips

75 skips

The record for the most skips by a dog on the same rope is 64 and was achieved by Geronimo, a Border Collie/Kelpie mix, in 2012.

Who set the record for the longest wheelchair ramp jump?

Aaron Fotheringham

Bob Burnquist

Danny Way

Tony Hawk

Aaron Fotheringham set the record for the longest wheelchair ramp jump, leaping an impressive distance of 21.35 meters in 2016.

What is the fastest time to solve 3 Rubik’s Cubes while juggling them?

4 minutes 52 seconds

5 minutes 2 seconds

6 minutes 23 seconds

4 minutes 24 seconds

The fastest time to solve 3 Rubik’s Cubes while juggling them is 4 minutes 24 seconds, set by Que Jianyu in China, 2018.

Which distance did the longest recorded flight of a paper aircraft cover?

69.14 meters

75.91 meters

82.02 meters

68.92 meters

The longest recorded flight of a paper aircraft covered 69.14 meters, achieved by Joe Ayoob with a plane designed by John Collins, in 2012.

What is the record for the largest underwater cycling gathering?

173 participants

182 participants

200 participants

118 participants

The largest underwater cycling gathering involved 182 participants in Italy, in 2011.

Who holds the record for most basketball three pointers in one minute?

Stephen Curry

Anthony Miracola

James Harden

Ray Allen

Anthony Miracola holds the record for the most basketball three pointers made in one minute, managing to score 31 shots.

What is the greatest number of tennis balls held in one hand?

24 balls

26 balls

28 balls

30 balls

The record for the greatest number of tennis balls held in one hand is 26, set by Jack Singer of the USA in 2020.

What is the world record for the longest head spin?

20 minutes

25 minutes

31 minutes

34 minutes

The longest head spin lasted 31 minutes, achieved by Aichi Ono in Japan in 2016. This incredible feat combines breakdancing skills with extraordinary endurance.

What is the record distance for an egg throwing catch?

318 feet

200 feet

350 feet

265 feet

The record for the longest distance for an egg throwing and catching is 318 feet, achieved by Johnny Dell Foley using a raw egg in 1978.

Who holds the record for the most tennis balls caught in one minute by a dog?





Purin, a beagle in Japan, holds the record for the most tennis balls caught by a dog in one minute, catching 14 balls in 2015.

What is the fastest 100m running on all fours?

15.86 sec

18.58 sec

17.47 sec

16.65 sec

The fastest 100 meters running on all fours was achieved by Kenichi Ito from Japan, who ran it in 15.86 seconds in 2015.

What is the longest time balancing a soccer ball on the head?

2 hr 16 min

3 hr 3 min

2 hr 41 min

3 hr 26 min

The longest time balancing a soccer ball on the head is 3 hours 26 minutes, set by Abraham Muñoz in the USA in 2017.

What is the record for most consecutive skips over a single rope?

132 skips

151 skips

168 skips

202 skips

The record for the most consecutive skips over a single rope is 202, achieved by Hiroaki Tanaka in Japan in 2013.

What is the fastest mile run backwards?

5 min 30 sec

6 min 02 sec

5 min 54 sec

7 min 07 sec

The fastest mile run backwards was completed in 5 minutes 54 seconds by Aaron Yoder from the USA in 2015.

Who set the record for the longest golf putt ever made?

Fergus Muir

Brett Stanford

Jack Nicklaus

Tiger Woods

Brett Stanford set the record for the longest golf putt ever made, which was 395 feet, achieved in Australia in 2017.

What is the highest unicycle ride ever recorded?

114 feet

290 feet

256 feet

89 feet

The highest unicycle ride ever recorded was 290 feet, achieved by Robin Ménard in Canada in 2004.

How many jump ropes were used by one person simultaneously?

2 ropes

3 ropes

4 ropes

6 ropes

The record for the most jump ropes used simultaneously by one person is 6, set by Cen Xiaolin in China in 2017.

Benchwarmer Beginnings

You might need a little more training in the sports record arena!

Varsity Player

Not bad! You’re showing promise with your knowledge of sports records.

Hall of Fame Hero

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