
Show Your Knowledge About Man’s Best Friend By Getting 100% On This Quiz

Think you know everything about dogs? Show off your knowledge by taking this quiz!

A small, budget picture about a golden mixed breed dog rescuing two abducted children was released in 1974. The titular protagonist is a dog. Despite its low budget, the movie was a major box office hit. What was the name of the movie and the dog?





Benji was the name of the tiny puppy who rescued the day! Benji was permanently adopted after rescuing the abducted children.

Although it’s difficult to envision these two canines getting along, the end result speaks for itself. Which two canines are the parents of this adorable puppy?

Miniature Fox Terrier + McNab

Shepherd Dog + Golden Retriever

Poodle + Maltese

Pomeranian + Husky

Pomeranian + Husky
Because a Pomeranian and a Husky are mixed, this uncommon mix is known as a Pomsky.

What else can you do with a Poodle? You must know exactly which dog breed to pick if you want to develop this little and affectionate puppy.


Yorkshire Terrier

Basset Hound


Yorkshire Terrier
The Yorkipoo is one of the cutest dogs around, but who are its parents? The Poodle is evident, but the Yorkshire Terrier also plays an important role!

This breed has an appealing and distinct look because of its loose skin, large size, and silky hair.

Siberian Husky

Bull Mastiff


Fila Brasileiro

Fila Brasileiro
This is the Brazilian Fila. Many other canine breeds, including Mastiff and Bloodhound, are possibly mingled in.

Although this massive dog breed is fluffy and attractive, it has noble beginnings. It is well-known for its kind demeanor.

Tibetan Mastiff

German Shepherd

Golden Retriever

Afghan Shepherd

Tibetan Mastiff
The Tibetan Mastiff is a kind of dog that is widely used as a guard dog, although it has a reputation for being uninterested in other types of organized activity.

 There aren’t many physical qualities that distinguish this breed of dog from others, but they are radically different intellectually. They are perceptive and eager to please their masters.


Serbian Hound



When it comes to intellect and charm, the Chinook is hard to surpass. They also make great sled dogs.

A newlywed couple adopts a puppy to see if they are ready to start a family. When they discover that the puppy they chose is a touch crazy, they are in for a shock. What is this silly dog’s name?





Marley, from the film Marley & Me, made up for his bad behavior by being charming and lovable. Marley made a cameo appearance in the prequel Marley & Me: The Puppy Years.

The Schnoodle is a cross between a Poodle and something else. Do you know what breed is the other parent?





The Schnoodle is a cross between a Poodle and a Schnauzer, resulting in one adorable dog.

You can see this puppy has a lot of Poodle in him already, but do you know who the other father was?

Bavarian Mountain Hound

Cocker Spaniel

Cane Corso

Cavalier Spaniel

Cavalier Spaniel
It’s a Cavalier Spaniel that has been crossed with a Poodle. Because both of these dogs are already little, it’s no wonder that the Cavapoo is as well.

This is a difficult question to answer because the two breeds that merge are both very unknown. Can you spot this tricky designer dog?

Cane Corso + Chinook

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel + Bichon Frise

Miniature Pinscher + Siberian Husky

Canaan Dog + Golden Retriever

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel + Bichon Frise
Have you ever seen a Bichon Frise or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel? They produce a Cavachon when bred together!

 The title dog in this 2000 family drama is a 9-year-old William Morris’s Jack Russell Terrier. This film was inspired by Willie Morris’ autobiography of the same name. What is the dog’s name?





Skip was William’s best buddy, and the film was titled My Dog Skip. Skip was played by two Jack Russell Terriers named Enzo and Moose during the shooting. Moose also starred in the television program Frasier as Eddie.

This is one of the most unique and uncommon dog breeds. Its coat, as you can see, is its defining characteristic.




Punisan Dog

It’s the Bergamasco! Only a few dog breeds have fur that has a felted look. It may appear shaggy, yet it is unmistakably unique.

You can undoubtedly see that this dog breed is heavily influenced by German Shepherds. These dogs are as agile and obedient as German Shepherds.

German Ridgeback

Swedish Vallhund


Australian Shepherd

Swedish Vallhund
It’s a Vallhund from Sweden. They appear like a cross between a German Shepherd and a Dachshund while being a distinct breed.

When the breeds are pure and distinct, it’s astonishing how vividly you can perceive the characteristics of both parents. Which two parents gave birth to this gorgeous pup?

Chihuahua + Pug

Terrier + Chihuahua

Chow Chow + Pug

Daschund + Pug

Chihuahua + Pug
This dog is a Chug, which is a cross between a Chihuahua and a Pug.

Travis meets this stray Golden Retriever mix while trying to run the property in his father’s absence. This might be the first well-known cinematic dog, appearing in a 1957 classic.


Old Yeller



Old Yeller
Old Yeller is one of the most well-known dogs in history, having starred in the film of the same name. In addition to being one of the most well-known, the narrative of Old Yeller is legendary for bringing tears to the eyes of all audience members.

Another designer dog with a Poodle father is this one. The Poodle characteristics are evident, but what was the other parent?





This Poodle offspring turned out to be a Pekingese hybrid. They come together to form a Peekapoo.

This designer dog is easily recognized since it is a cross of two of the most well-known and iconic breeds, each with its own set of features.

Labrador + Pug

Pug + Beagle

Chihuahua + Labrador

Pug + Labrador

Pug + Beagle
This guy has a Pug’s nose and a Beagle’s ears. This is a Puggle, which is an adorable puppy.

This lovely and charming puppy is a Bernese Mountain Dog with short hair.

Boston Terrier

Appenzeller Sennenhunde

Swedish Elkhound

Old Danish Pointer

Appenzeller Sennenhunde
This is an Appenzeller Sennenhunde, as it turns out. Because of their love, these dogs are well-known for being good pets.

This breed is really attractive. For its size, it is one of the leanest breeds!


Perro de Presa Canario



This dog is an Azawakh. They are fierce and faithful protectors, but they were also developed to be graceful and appealing.

Dogs, like all of them, belong to the Canidae family, except for which one?





Hyenas are more closely related to cats than dogs, despite their dog-like look.

Try Again, Paw Friend.

Nice. PawFect!

PawSome! You Know About Dogs.

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