
Test Your Knowledge of Ancient Civilizations By Taking This Time Travel Quiz!

Before any of us existed, thousands of years ago, there were ancient civilizations that prospered and produced goods that are now taken for granted. Test your knowledge of these historical civilizations by taking this quiz!

This figure is sometimes referred to as “Ozymandias,” and is frequently regarded as the most powerful pharaoh of ancient Egypt.



Julius Caesar

Ramses II

Ramses II
Ramses II is regarded as the greatest pharaoh to have ever lived. He ruled over a wide area of Mesopotamia, and he is remembered for the several gigantic sculptures of his face on a sphinx’s body that he had created. Ramses is mentioned in the Percy Shelley poem “Ozymandias,” which also suggests that all illustrious dynasties eventually come to an end.

Which nation does today’s Aztecs inhabit?





In what is now Mexico, the Aztecs formerly resided. Their culture continues to have a significant impact on Mexican society.

Which of these contemporary nations wasn’t a member of the Incan empire at one point?





The Inca empire was located in what are now Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru.

Which of these wasn’t exchanged with people from Mesoamerica?





The Maya exchanged cacao, vanilla, and gold with other Mayan towns and Mesoamerican people. Prior to the arrival of the Spaniards, horses did not exist in the Americas.

The Aztecs engaged in human sacrifice in order to appease their gods, just like other Mesoamerican societies. After extracting the heart, what did they do with the body?

Mummify it

Hang it on a wall

Throw it down the stairs of the temple

Bury it under their crops

Throw it down the stairs of the temple
Even though the rituals differed, it was common practice to dismember the body before throwing it down the temple stairs.

What Egyptian princess was Marcus Anthony’s and Julius Caesar’s lover?

Cleopatra VII




Cleopatra VII
In popular culture, Cleopatra VII is well known for her riches and shrewdness. To strengthen her monarchy, she had a child with Julius Caesar, but she also sided with Marcus Antony to fight Octavian, Caesar’s nephew. After defeating them, Octavian was crowned Caesar Augustus.

Up to the start of the Imperial Period, China was fragmented and disorganized. The Qin dynasty, however, unified the majority of China in 221 BC via a violent campaign of warfare and the suppression of opposition. What enormous building did they erect to stave against invaders?

Macchu Picchu

Great Wall

Hadrian’s Wall

Colossus at Rhodes

Great Wall
To deter invaders, the Qin dynasty, the first of the Imperial Chinese dynasties, constructed the first section of the Great Wall.

Who among the European explorers carried tales of the beauty of the Chinese kingdom at this period back to Europe?

Marco Polo

Francisco Pizarro


Louis XVI

Marco Polo
On his commercial journeys, Marco Polo is renowned for coming across the Chinese. He left thorough logs of his interactions.

What was the name of the river that the ancient Egyptians constructed their civilisation around?





The Nile River was the focal point of ancient Egypt. It provided the fertile soil that the Egyptians needed for their agriculture.

The gods and goddesses that the ancient Greeks revered were numerous. Which of these is NOT a deity from the pantheon of the ancient Greeks?





The Greek pantheon, which had its home on Mount Olympus in the past, included deities like Zeus, Athena, and Aphrodite.

New trade channels were developed, and learning and philosophy thrived under the Han period. Which trading route connects China to the West and is the most well-known?

Northwest passage

Silk Road

Mediterranean pass

Bering Strait

Silk Road
The Silk Road was a vast network of commercial routes that transported to Central Asia and Europe products from the East including tea, spices, porcelain, and silk. Along this journey, ideas, religion, and culture were unintentionally diffused.

The most famous buildings in ancient Egypt were constructed during the Old Kingdom era, which lasted roughly from 2686 to 2181 BC. Which of these was built at this period in Egypt?

Colossus at Rhodes

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Pyramids of Ziggurats

Pyramids of Giza

Pyramids of Giza
Around 2575–2465 BC, during the Old Kingdom, the Giza Pyramids were constructed. They housed the mummified bodies of the pharaohs as well as possessions thought to be required for the afterlife, like as food, clothes, jewelry, and even slaves.

What form does Tenochtitlan’s Great Temple take?





The Templo Mayor was constructed in the form of a pyramid, much like the temples and monuments of other cultures. The rain deity and the battle god are each given their own part of the book.

Which dynasty replaced the Qin after its demise? The name of this dynasty is also the name of the main ethnic group in China, and this time period is regarded as a golden age in that country.





From 206 BC to 220 AD, the Han dynasty reigned over a large portion of what is now China.

Who was the sky-dwelling Aztec deity?





The deity of the sky, Quetzalcoatl, was portrayed as a snake-like monster with feathers.

The Persians were driven out of Egypt by this Greek ruler, who was hailed as a liberator.


Jesus Christ

Alexander the Great

King James

Alexander the Great
In 332 BC, Alexander the Great took control of ancient Egypt.

This lady was Egypt’s second female pharaoh. For her construction endeavors and the development of trade routes, she is regarded as one of the most successful pharaohs and is occasionally referred to as the first truly great woman in history.

Mother Theresa


Atia of the Julii

The Virgin Mary

One of the most dominant ladies in ancient times was Hatshepsut. She was the second female pharaoh and encouraged good trade and construction endeavors.

From a fortress far from Cusco, an Inca struggled against Spanish rule. Who was he called?

Alexander the Great


Tupac Amaru

Cyrus the Rebel

Tupac Amaru
Tupac Amaru, an ancestor of the same-named Sapa Inca, mounted one final revolt against Spanish dominion. His strength was surpassed, and he was mercilessly put to death.

Plato wrote about this well-known and significant philosopher who employed a way of inquiring into complex issues. In 399 AD, he was found guilty and put to death. He was who?




Alexander the Great

One of the most well-known philosophers in history is Socrates, after whom the Socratic technique of inquiry is called.

The empire broke up once more after the Han dynasty fell in 220 AD, with some temporary reunion under the Jin and the Sui. The Tang dynasty, whose rule is regarded as the pinnacle of the imperial period, rose to power in 618 AD. Which religion rose to prominence in China?





During the Tan dynasty, Buddhism moved from India and overtook other major religions to dominate China.

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