
Uncover What Books Influenced the World’s Greatest Minds!

What was Mahatma Gandhi’s favorite book?

War and Peace

The Bhagavad Gita

Les Misérables

The Bible

Mahatma Gandhi considered “The Bhagavad Gita” to be a spiritual dictionary and often turned to it for guidance and inspiration throughout his life.

Which book greatly influenced Nelson Mandela?

The Diary of Anne Frank

War and Peace

A Tale of Two Cities

Cry, the Beloved Country

Nelson Mandela found solace and motivation in “Cry, the Beloved Country,” a novel about the social injustices in South Africa, which resonated deeply with him during his fight against apartheid.

What was Theodore Roosevelt’s favorite novel?

The Count of Monte Cristo

Moby Dick

Don Quixote

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Theodore Roosevelt was an avid reader and counted “The Count of Monte Cristo” by Alexandre Dumas as one of his favorite novels due to its adventurous and dramatic themes.

Which book was a favorite of Winston Churchill?

The Maltese Falcon

The History of the English Speaking Peoples

The Jungle Book

Gibbon’s Decline and Fall

Winston Churchill admired “Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” for its profound historical insight and narrative style, which influenced his own writings and speeches.

What book did Queen Elizabeth I greatly admire?

The Faerie Queene

The Prince

The Odyssey

The Book of Martyrs

The Faerie Queene by Edmund Spenser was written in honor of Queen Elizabeth I and was highly esteemed by her for its allegorical representation of virtue and her reign.

What was Albert Einstein’s favorite book?

The Critique of Pure Reason

Don Quixote

The Brothers Karamazov


Albert Einstein cherished “Don Quixote” for its blend of humor and tragedy, seeing it as a profound commentary on truth, perception, and humanity.

Which novel did Charles Darwin find fascinating?

Paradise Lost

On the Origin of Species

The Last Man


Paradise Lost by John Milton captivated Charles Darwin with its epic narrative and complex themes, which sparked his imagination during his scientific endeavors.

What was a preferred read of Frederick Douglass?

The Columbian Orator

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

The Liberty Bell

The Columbian Orator was important to Frederick Douglass as it included speeches arguing for human rights and justice, influencing his path as a speaker and activist.

What was Jane Austen’s favorite book among her own works?

Pride and Prejudice


Sense and Sensibility


Jane Austen is noted to have regarded “Persuasion” as her own favorite among her published novels, appreciating its depth and maturity.

Which book deeply influenced Martin Luther King Jr.?

The Bible

War and Peace

The Souls of Black Folk

Les Misérables

Martin Luther King Jr. drew great inspiration from “The Souls of Black Folk” by W.E.B. Du Bois, which discusses the challenge of being African American in American society.

What book did Abraham Lincoln cherish the most?


Aesop’s Fables

Euclid’s Elements

Pilgrim’s Progress

Abraham Lincoln famously valued “Aesop’s Fables,” which he credited with teaching him valuable life lessons through its simple, yet profound moral stories.

Which book was deeply admired by Marie Curie?


Anna Karenina



Marie Curie was known to have been profoundly influenced by “Faust” by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, which she read repeatedly and considered a favorite for its exploration of ambition and striving.

What was a favored literary work of Benjamin Franklin?

Robinson Crusoe

Poor Richard’s Almanack

The Way to Wealth

The Spectator

Benjamin Franklin had a particular fondness for “Robinson Crusoe” by Daniel Defoe, which he admired for its themes of self-reliance and survival.

Which book did Virginia Woolf cite as influential?

To the Lighthouse

Jane Eyre


The Odyssey

Virginia Woolf admired “Middlemarch” by George Eliot, praising it in her writings as one of the few English novels written for grown-up people.

What book did Napoleon Bonaparte always carry with him?

War and Peace

The Prince

Julius Caesar

The Bible

Napoleon Bonaparte frequently carried a copy of “Julius Caesar” by William Shakespeare, identifying with its themes of power and betrayal.

Which book inspired Harriet Tubman throughout her life?

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

The Bible

Narrative of Sojourner Truth

Lives of the Saints

Harriet Tubman was deeply inspired by “The Bible,” which guided her actions and provided strength during her missions on the Underground Railroad.

What was John F. Kennedy’s favorite book?

From Russia with Love

Profiles in Courage


The Pilgrim’s Progress

John F. Kennedy’s favorite book was “From Russia with Love” by Ian Fleming, and he particularly enjoyed reading spy novels, which provided a diversion from the stresses of his presidency.

Which literary work did Emily Dickinson value highly?

The Bible

Wuthering Heights

King Lear

The Complete Poems

Emily Dickinson often referred to “The Complete Poems” of Elizabeth Barrett Browning as a significant influence on her own poetic work.

What was a key book in Leonardo da Vinci’s library?

Divine Comedy

The Bible

Vitruvius’ Architecture


Leonardo da Vinci treasured “Vitruvius’ Architecture,” a foundational text on Roman architecture, which greatly influenced his studies and designs.

Which book did Sigmund Freud recommend most frequently?

The Interpretation of Dreams


The Bible

The Magic Mountain

Sigmund Freud often recommended “The Magic Mountain” by Thomas Mann to his friends and colleagues, admiring its deep psychological insights and the exploration of human nature.

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