Science & Technology

Vintage Vibes Only: Dive Deep Into Photography’s Past with this Quiz

What year was the first permanent photograph, “View from the Window at Le Gras,” created?





The first permanent photograph was taken by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce in 1826. This process, which used bitumen of Judea spread on a pewter plate, marked the beginning of photography.

Who is credited with inventing the daguerreotype process, the first publicly announced photographic process?

Henry Fox Talbot

Louis Daguerre, in collaboration with Nicéphore Niépce

George Eastman

Nicéphore Niépce

Louis Daguerre, in collaboration with Nicéphore Niépce, developed the daguerreotype process, which was the first practical photographic process and was announced to the public in 1839.

Which of the following materials was not used as a photographic medium in the 19th century?



Wax Paper


Plastic was not used as a photographic medium in the 19th century. Early photographs were taken on glass plates, metal sheets (daguerreotypes), and paper.

The calotype process, which allowed for multiple copies of a photograph to be made, was invented by whom?

Thomas Wedgwood

Henry Fox Talbot

Joseph Swan

Alphonse Giroux

Henry Fox Talbot invented the calotype process in the early 1840s, which was significant for allowing negatives to produce multiple prints.

What is the name given to the first color photographic process, invented in 1861?




Maxwell’s Tri-color Process

Maxwell’s Tri-color Process, demonstrated by James Clerk Maxwell in 1861, is considered the first method of producing color photographs, relying on the additive principle of color vision.

Which invention is considered to have popularized amateur photography in the late 19th to early 20th century?

The Camera Obscura

The Kodak Brownie

The Daguerreotype

The Calotype

The Kodak Brownie, introduced in 1900 by George Eastman, made photography accessible to the general public due to its affordability and simplicity.

In what year did Eastman Kodak introduce flexible, transparent film, replacing glass plates?





Eastman Kodak introduced flexible, transparent roll film in 1884, revolutionizing photography by making it more accessible and convenient compared to the glass plate method.





The tintype process, introduced in the 1850s, gained popularity for its durability and low cost, making it a favored medium for portraits, particularly during the American Civil War.

Who is considered the father of photojournalism for his documentation of the Crimean War in the 1850s?

Mathew Brady

Roger Fenton

Jacob Riis

Lewis Hine

Roger Fenton is regarded as one of the first war photographers, known for his documentation of the Crimean War (1853-1856), which laid the groundwork for modern photojournalism.

What is the significance of the “Leica I” camera, introduced in 1925?

It was the first digital camera.

It introduced the 35mm film format.

It was the first camera to use roll film.

It was the first commercially successful portable camera that used standard cinema 35mm film.

The “Leica I” camera, introduced by Leitz in 1925, revolutionized photography by making it more accessible and practical for amateur and professional photographers alike, utilizing a 35mm film format.

What innovation did the Kodak camera introduced in 1888 offer to the world of photography?

The use of glass plates

The ability to take colored photographs

The development of the first digital camera

The use of roll film

The Kodak camera introduced the use of roll film in 1888, revolutionizing photography by making it more accessible to the general public.

Which of the following photographers is best known for their work during the Great Depression, capturing the struggles of American life?

Ansel Adams

Dorothea Lange

Edward Weston

Henri Cartier-Bresson

Dorothea Lange is renowned for her impactful images of the Great Depression, her photograph “Migrant Mother” being among the most famous.

The “Brownie” camera, introduced by Kodak in 1900, significantly lowered the price of photography. What was its original cost?





The Kodak Brownie camera was sold for $1, making photography affordable for a wider audience and boosting the popularity of casual photography.

In photographic processing, what does the term “fixing” refer to?

Adjusting the camera’s focus

The act of taking a photograph

Making the image on the film permanent

Coloring black and white images

Fixing is a chemical process in photography that makes the image on the film permanent, preventing it from being sensitive to light.

What significant feature did the Rolleiflex camera, introduced in 1929, offer?

It was the first digital camera

It introduced the twin-lens reflex system

It was waterproof

It could capture 3D images

The Rolleiflex camera introduced the twin-lens reflex system, providing a precise way to focus and frame photographs, which was particularly beneficial for portrait and studio photography.

What is the name of the process that significantly improved the quality and durability of photographs, introduced by George Eastman in 1884, involving a gelatin emulsion?



Gelatin silver process


The gelatin silver process, introduced by George Eastman, used a gelatin emulsion to create photographs that were more stable and detailed.

Who is credited with taking the first aerial photograph?

Felix Nadar

Lewis Hine

Edward Steichen

Ansel Adams

Felix Nadar is credited with taking the first aerial photograph in 1858, showcasing the potential for photography from the air.

Which photographic technique, developed in the mid-19th century, uses egg whites to bind the photographic chemicals to the paper?

Albumen print


Platinum print

Silver nitrate process

The albumen print technique uses egg whites to bind photographic chemicals to the paper, creating a clear, detailed image, and was widely used for photographic prints in the 19th century.

What was the main advantage of the Ambrotype over the Daguerreotype?

It was cheaper to produce

It offered color images

It was more durable

It allowed for larger prints

The Ambrotype was cheaper to produce than the Daguerreotype, making it more accessible to a wider range of people during the mid-19th century.

In the context of early photography, what is a “camera obscura”?

A dark room used for developing photographs

A camera model used in the 1800s

A device that projects an image of its surroundings onto a screen

The first digital camera

A “camera obscura” is a device that projects an image of its surroundings onto a screen, used for centuries to study light and optics, and it played a crucial role in the development of photography.

Beginner photographer

You have a lot to learn!

Photographer in training!

You’re getting there!

Pro photographer!

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